Cattani Suction Pumps

Over the years UK dental practices have routinely used suction systems that are designed for conservation dentistry. These systems provide high air flow and medium vacuum and should be used inconjunction with a large bore aspirator tip, whereas for Implant proceedures, surgical vacuum is required. The characteristics are high vacuum (pulling power) and medium air flow, requiring the use of a narrow bore aspirator tip to rapidly remove heavy debris, blood, tooth and bone from a small precise area in the mouth.

The Smart range of suction systems from Cattani, are the only systems that can provide both high vacuum with continuous use for your implant & surgical proceedures and a high air flow for conservation dentistry.

Cattani Smart systems are supplied with a 3 year warranty on all major components.

Durr Suction Pumps

Durr Dental VS suction systems are powerhouses that you can rely on. They can suction large quantities of liquids processed by up to four therapists at the same time without interruption. Thanks to the integrated two-stage separation system, the aspiration of secretions and blood foam into the turbine space is reliably prevented. The combination suction unit drive runs smoothly without vibrations and is highly reliable. All important functional elements are protected against corrosion and therefore extremely durable.