PVI/PSI Certification

A ‘written scheme of examination’ (WSE) is required for all practices that use pressure systems. At Protech Dental we provide PVI (Pressure Vessel Inspection) or PSI (Pressure System Inspection), which means we perform various tests across the pressure system (compressor). These specialist tests are carried out to ensure the vessel and pressure system as a whole, are safe to hold pressurised air, whilst making sure your equipment is getting quality clean air and in turn so are your patients.

Your compressor is the heartbeat of your practice and is often over looked, which is why yearly inspections and servicing are important to increase the longevity of your equipment.

Your PVI certification will be carried out by a Pressure Safe trained engineer, so you can be confident that your compressor is in good hands.

“This check is carried out to ensure the vessel is safe to hold pressurised air, whilst making sure your equipment is getting quality clean air and in turn so are your patients”